Why direction matters when building a house or renting a cabin.

Many people believe that the direction in which your home faces is important. After all, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so a home that faces north would be dark all day, right? Not necessarily. In fact, there are a number of factors that come into play when determining whether a home faces north, south, east, or west.
The first factor to consider is aspect. This refers to the angle at which the sun hits your home. A home with a south-facing aspect will receive direct sunlight all day long, while a north-facing aspect will be in shade for most of the day. An east-facing aspect will receive morning sun and afternoon shade, while a west-facing aspect will receive afternoon sun and evening shade.

Another factor to consider is latitude. This is the distance of your location from the equator. The closer you are to the equator, the more direct sunlight you will receive throughout the day. This means that a home in Florida with a south-facing aspect will receive more direct sunlight than a home in Alaska with a south-facing aspect.
Elevation also plays a role in how much direct sunlight your home receives. A home on a hill with a south-facing aspect will receive more direct sunlight than a home at ground level with a south-facing aspect. This is because the sun is higher in the sky when you are closer to the equator than when you are farther away from the equator.
So, does it matter whether your home faces north, south, east, or west? It depends. If you are looking for a home that receives direct sunlight all day long, then you should look for a home with a south-facing aspect. If you are looking for a home that is in shade for most of the day, then you should look for a home with a north-facing aspect. If you are looking for a home that receives morning sun and afternoon shade, then you should look for an east-facing aspect. And if you are looking for a home that receives afternoon sun and evening shade, then you should look for west-facing aspect.